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+ By entering your details, you give Kinetic Education permission to contact you to discuss its tutoring via phone and/or email and record such communication for training and compliance purposes. You understand that the 2 weeks free tutoring is only available to children that have not previously received any free tutoring from Kinetic Education.

We combine Real Tutors with Online Learning and rewards. English Wiz is so easy for children to learn from and supports exactly what your children are learning at school. No guessing what to learn next as we create a learning plan, especially for your child, and it is all backed up by real tutors. 

When your child starts with us, the first thing our English tutors do is identify what level your child is at. Our tutors will then create an English learning plan specifically for your child. This plan covers all of the key areas of year 5 English, from grammar and punctuation to reading comprehension and essay writing.

Year 5 English Tutoring for Struggling Students

It can be very tough for struggling children, to catch up in the classroom. Especially since they tend to be low in confidence. Typically, these children have weak foundations and they are not ready to learn what is being taught in the classroom. As a result, they often fall behind and their grades suffer.

At Kinetic Education, we have a team of experienced and patient tutors who are experts in teaching Year 5 English. They will work with your child at their own pace, repeating concepts as many times as necessary until they fully understand them.

Year 5 English Tutoring for Intermediate Students

These students have the capacity to be far better than "OK" given the right support. However, without the right support, there is a risk they can fall behind and lose confidence altogether.

That's where our team of expert English tutors comes in. They will work with your child to consolidate what they have learned in the classroom and help them extend their knowledge further. As a result, your child will develop a much stronger understanding of the Year 5 English curriculum.

Year 5 English Tutoring for Advanced Students

To begin with, our English tutoring online will assess the strengths and weaknesses of your child. If there are any gaps, we will quickly address those before challenging them and advancing them through the curriculum at their pace.

It is our belief that all children have the potential to achieve great things. With the right support, every child can reach their full potential.

If you would like to find out more about our year 5 English tutoring services, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Year 5 English Tutoring for Special Needs Students

We have had great success with children with special needs. We have helped children with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD, ADD, ODD, Autism, Aspergers, etc...

Each child is different, so we tailor our approach to meet the specific needs of each individual child. We have a team of experienced and patient English tutors who are experts in teaching children with special needs.

If you would like to find out more about our Year 5 English Tutoring services for special needs students, please don't hesitate to get in.

Claim 2 weeks free English Tutoring today

In addition, to ensure our tutoring is the right fit for your child, we give 2 weeks free so you can see for yourself how your child responds to our personalized English learning program.

If you are also looking for year 6 English tutors. Then let us help your child achieve their full potential!

So many happy families


"Maths Wiz is really exciting, it never gets boring because you can follow what you’re doing at school and sometimes you can even skip ahead a bit and so when you get to learning that at school you already know it."

Ebony, Grade 5 Student

"The programs can give parents a great sense of direction and a sense of structured involvement which will give them great satisfaction. Most children will learn much better. It’s interactive, individualized, special, and it works."

Dr Janet Hall, Psychologist

"I found the programs to be equivalent to a personal tutor for me. I managed to attain not only a high score, but a deep feeling of satisfaction in that I had done my best and had gone beyond my limits."

Sherry, Grade 12 Student

"I am most impressed that, using the Maths Wiz program, the students have successfully learnt difficult concepts without the 'hard work' which is generally associated with learning mathematics through the conventional methods."

George Moran, Principal

"To me it's better than school as it's a lot more fun. I really enjoy using the computer. I try and use the program every week and I do get most of my activities done. I'm feeling happier about my studies."

Georgia, Grade 6

"Maths Wiz is really exciting, it never gets boring because you can follow what you’re doing at school and sometimes you can even skip ahead a bit and so when you get to learning that at school you already know it."

Ebony, Grade 5 Student

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28 years - some of our partners over the journey